Reverse Lookup Zone - Windows Server 2003

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Installed Server 2003 in an existing Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain and
I am not sure what happened to part of the existing reverse lookup zones.
All the information in Reverse Lookup Zones\\50\10 is missing
except for the windows 2003 pointer record. Is there any way to get the
records back?
Pete said:
Installed Server 2003 in an existing Windows 2000 Active Directory
Domain and I am not sure what happened to part of the existing
reverse lookup zones. All the information in Reverse Lookup
Zones\\50\10 is missing except for the windows 2003
pointer record. Is there any way to get the records back?

We'll need more specifics to help.

Was the zone on the 2000 DC already AD INtegrated? Did you promote the 2003
machine to a DC? If so, did you then attempt to create the reverse zones on
the new DC and selected the wrong replication scope? Also, if you did try to
create the zone on the new DC, it will look at it as a conflict because it
already exists in AD and therefore since this zone is "newer", it will take
it as the "latest" by the time stamp. Unless of course, it still exists on
the 2000 DC, which then means the incorrect replication scope was chosen on
the 2003 DC.

Please provide a clear step by step in regards to what you performed. This
can help us determine what happened.

Innovative IT Concepts, Inc
Willow Grove, PA

This posting is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties or guarantees and
confers no rights.

Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT, MVP
Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
Microsoft Certified Trainer

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