Ed Davis
Is there a way to return the workbook name up until the first space.
All my workbooks have a space in their names.
Sales 09-2009
Loja Work 09-2009
I am looking to get exverything up to the first space.
I tried this code and get a compile error on the Find.
WBook.SaveCopyAs WBook.Path & "\Backup\" & Left(WBook, Find(" ", WBook)) &
"\" & Left(WBook, Find(" ", WBook)) & _
WBook.ActiveSheet.Name & ")" & Format(Now, " dd-mm-yy hh-mm-ss") &
All my workbooks have a space in their names.
Sales 09-2009
Loja Work 09-2009
I am looking to get exverything up to the first space.
I tried this code and get a compile error on the Find.
WBook.SaveCopyAs WBook.Path & "\Backup\" & Left(WBook, Find(" ", WBook)) &
"\" & Left(WBook, Find(" ", WBook)) & _
WBook.ActiveSheet.Name & ")" & Format(Now, " dd-mm-yy hh-mm-ss") &