Returning items making up a balance

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Our storesman "lends" components to individuals for short periods. Obviously
the items are intended to be returned, but at any point in time there may be
50 or more components out with engineers or salesmen awaiting return. I want
to generate a "statement" for each individual showing the items outstanding,
quantity, date borrowed and so on.

On our stock system, the storesman records the lending of each item as a
"W/O" (works order issue) transaction to a standing Works Order set up for
each individual that may borrow components (so Trevor Medd, for example, will
have a works order coded "BOR-TM"). He records each return as a "DKIT" (works
order dekit) transaction from the same works order.

I want my query to return just those most recent transactions for a borrowed
component that total up to the balance outstanding. In other words I want to
filter out all the earlier "lend" (W/O) items that have been matched by
subsequent "return" (DKIT) items, i.e. I don't want to return any records of
lent components that have been returned. Unfortunately, there is no facility
on our stock system for the storesman to match DKIT items to specific W/O

Is it possible for me to query the stock transaction file to return just
those transactions that are unmatched on a first-in-first-out basis?