Returned Mail for messages not sent



I'm getting lots of spam, and some of these seem to be
sending acknowledgements to the originator.

I get about 20 daily "Mail Returned" messages from the
Mail Delivery Subsystem (about 10% of the spam volume),
where the e-mail mailbox is closed.

I'm downloading message headers and deleting the obvious
spam, yet these apparently outgoing messages persist.

Any ideas? Thanks.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

It is someone who has swen who also has your address. Just filter on common
words such as virus, inet, ms, corporation, etc.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

After searching and finding no answer:
Jack <[email protected]> asked:
| I'm getting lots of spam, and some of these seem to be
| sending acknowledgements to the originator.
| I get about 20 daily "Mail Returned" messages from the
| Mail Delivery Subsystem (about 10% of the spam volume),
| where the e-mail mailbox is closed.
| I'm downloading message headers and deleting the obvious
| spam, yet these apparently outgoing messages persist.
| Any ideas? Thanks.

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