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I have two separate worksheets

Worksheet A

Insurance Company Name Maketer NAME

Aetna John Smith
BCBC Mary Doolittle
Abbington Mike Doe

Worksheet B

Insurance Company Name Marketer Name

I need the Marketer Name to show up in Column H of Worksheet B based upon
the insurance company matching in both worksheets. I have done the following
formula however it does not work...I am thinking I have to do an array...can
someone help me? =VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet1!A1:B68,2,FALSE)
You're on the right track.......assuming your VLOOKUP formula is put in
Worksheet B cell H2 and copied down it should work.....also assuming that
Worksheet A is named Sheet1. Things that can confound this situation is
that the Names have to be exactly the same, in spelling and with regard to
leading or trailing spaces.........copy and paste A2 from Worksheet B to A2
Worksheet A (if it's named Sheet1) and it should work.....indicating that
there is a difference in spelling or invisible spaces, etc.

Post back if you still have problems

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3
it should work, are the names in column A exactly the same, check that there
is no any space. in another column do
copy down then copy this column as value on A, do the same in sheet 1
Your formula should work. It is possible that there are spaces or other junk
in Company Name data on one (or both of the sheets).

Try copying one of the values from Worksheet A to Worksheet B and see if the
formula works. If it does you have something in your data.

The Trim and Clean functions can help you clean up your data.
Eduardo, I did as you suggested and unfortunately it still didn't work...I am
perplexed, because I know I have done this before and I don't remember it
being this difficult.
I did the clean thing and it didn't help...yes the spelling and case are
exactly the same because I copied it from one to another so I know it is
identical...I am at a loss.
Copy your formula down column H to see if any of the other names come
through.........what return ae you getting from your formula...... are you
getting, #N/A or something else? Rename Worksheet A to the Sheet1 name same
as is in your formula.....even if it already looks like it matches, it may
have a leading or trailing space.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3