I have a VS .Net 2003 solution that contains 2 projects.
Project 1 is an ASP .Net application.
Project 2 is an EXE that is executed from another program (no UI).
Both projects interact with a SmarTeam database.
I used aspnet_setreg.exe to encrypt the username and password for the
asp process. I would like to retrieve these values from the registry
in project 2.
The values are coming back as byte(). This does not do me any good
because I need to pass a string username to SmarTeam.
How can I get these values as strings out of the registry?
Current Code Sample:
Dim HKLMSoftware As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey =
Dim SmLoginName As String
Dim SmLoginPassword As String
Dim HKLMSoftwareAspNetProcess As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
Dim HKLMSoftwareAspNetSetReg As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
HKLMSoftwareAspNetProcess = HKLMSoftware.OpenSubKey("ASPNetProcess")
HKLMSoftwareAspNetSetReg =
Dim o As Object
o = HKLMSoftwareAspNetSetReg.GetValue("userName")
'o gets returned as a byte()
SmLoginName = CStr(HKLMSoftwareAspNetSetReg.GetValue("userName"))
SmLoginPassword = CStr(HKLMSoftwareAspNetSetReg.GetValue("password"))
Project 1 is an ASP .Net application.
Project 2 is an EXE that is executed from another program (no UI).
Both projects interact with a SmarTeam database.
I used aspnet_setreg.exe to encrypt the username and password for the
asp process. I would like to retrieve these values from the registry
in project 2.
The values are coming back as byte(). This does not do me any good
because I need to pass a string username to SmarTeam.
How can I get these values as strings out of the registry?
Current Code Sample:
Dim HKLMSoftware As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey =
Dim SmLoginName As String
Dim SmLoginPassword As String
Dim HKLMSoftwareAspNetProcess As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
Dim HKLMSoftwareAspNetSetReg As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
HKLMSoftwareAspNetProcess = HKLMSoftware.OpenSubKey("ASPNetProcess")
HKLMSoftwareAspNetSetReg =
Dim o As Object
o = HKLMSoftwareAspNetSetReg.GetValue("userName")
'o gets returned as a byte()
SmLoginName = CStr(HKLMSoftwareAspNetSetReg.GetValue("userName"))
SmLoginPassword = CStr(HKLMSoftwareAspNetSetReg.GetValue("password"))