Retrieving name from command button on Worksheet



I'm using Excel 2000 under win2K and have several command buttons on a
worksheet and assigned the same macro to them.
In the macro I want to find out WHAT button has been clicked
(extracting a number I attached to a name to privide as parameter in a
function). I don't want to create a bunch of macro's just to identify
each command button separately.
How do I do that?

Jim Cone

If you are using buttons from the Forms toolbar then
"Application.Caller" returns a string with the button name.
Extracting a single digit suffix from the button name
could work like this...

Sub CommonSubCalledByAllButtons()
Select Case Right$(Application.Caller, 1)
Case "1"
'do something
Case "2"
'don't do something
Case "3"
'do something else
Case "4"
'have lunch
End Select
End Sub
Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA

I'm using Excel 2000 under win2K and have several command buttons on a
worksheet and assigned the same macro to them.
In the macro I want to find out WHAT button has been clicked
(extracting a number I attached to a name to privide as parameter in a
function). I don't want to create a bunch of macro's just to identify
each command button separately.
How do I do that?

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