ShedhouseW said:
Thanks "vey" for the response. I didn't explain my problem to well.The home
page I would like to use in my current web site the the home page "HOME PAGE
1" not the index page. I tried the "index.html" and I got a pop-up tha said
I might be creating more problems.
FP loves to put up lots of scary pop-ups. What it probably said was that
you were changing your home page and did you want the other pages
changed to point at the new home page rather than the old one. FP does
that automatically, if you let it.
The home page I would like to use is the
"HOME PAGE 1" listed on the VIEW - FOLDERS site. This home page shows the
naviation to all the other pages. The VIEW-FOLDERS does show all of the pages
and pictures. The internet site also is correct.I am at a lose as to how I
eliminated this home page from the navigation page????? Any help would be
appreciated. TIA. Frank
Look carefully in the folders view. Do you see one file that has a
little house icon next to it? That is the current home page. You don't
want that. What you want is to rename Home Page 1 to index.html or
index.html. Or you can simply right click Home Page 1 and choose "set as
Homepage", but that's not a good idea. You want you home page to have
one of the magic file names because you want all the browsers to
understand which page is your home page and they are looking for one of
the magic file names.
You will get a warning. If you want all the pages that have links to
Home Page 1 to keep pointing at that page, then say yes or oK or
whatever, and FP will go into all the pages and change the links for you.
Then you straighten the mess out and get your link going to the right pages.
Please stop naming your files with spaces. A space shows as %20 on the
address line because you are not allowed to use spaces on the web that
way. If you must use spaces, then use "_" underline marks. IE:
HOME_PAGE_1.htm It will help the browsers as well.