I have this line of code working from my previous source code updated
to version 2008 of VB.NET
Dim drRegularLoadID() As DataRow =
dsStudentCourse.Tables("RegularLoad").Select("ProgramID = " &
intProgramID & " And MajorID = " & intMajorID & " And Semester = '" &
SemValue & "' And Year = '" & YearValue & "'")
If drRegularLoadID.Length = 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("No matching record(s)
Exit Sub
End If
This is working fine. However I have created a new project and is
using a latest connection using tableadapter instead of dataadapter. I
do not think this has something to do with the code above since the
only code I've change is only the dataset which is dsStudentCourse.
In my new project I just simply change the dsStudentCourse to
Here it is:
Dim drRegularLoadID() As DataRow =
EnrollSystemDataSet.Tables("RegularLoad").Select("ProgramID = " &
intProgramID & " And MajorID = " & intMajorID & " And Semester = '" &
SemValue & "' And Year = '" & YearValue & "'")
But it does not return a record.
I am thinking about the dataset that causes the problem. But I do not
think so.
Any ideas?
to version 2008 of VB.NET
Dim drRegularLoadID() As DataRow =
dsStudentCourse.Tables("RegularLoad").Select("ProgramID = " &
intProgramID & " And MajorID = " & intMajorID & " And Semester = '" &
SemValue & "' And Year = '" & YearValue & "'")
If drRegularLoadID.Length = 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("No matching record(s)
Exit Sub
End If
This is working fine. However I have created a new project and is
using a latest connection using tableadapter instead of dataadapter. I
do not think this has something to do with the code above since the
only code I've change is only the dataset which is dsStudentCourse.
In my new project I just simply change the dsStudentCourse to
Here it is:
Dim drRegularLoadID() As DataRow =
EnrollSystemDataSet.Tables("RegularLoad").Select("ProgramID = " &
intProgramID & " And MajorID = " & intMajorID & " And Semester = '" &
SemValue & "' And Year = '" & YearValue & "'")
But it does not return a record.
I am thinking about the dataset that causes the problem. But I do not
think so.
Any ideas?