Retrieve data from a spreadsheet

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dave
  • Start date Start date


Can someone show me a better way to do the following:

I have a form with a "Find" button on. When the user presses Find they are
asked to input a serial number. Then the macro looks down the serial number
column in the spreadsheet, finds the number then returns all the data on the
row back to the form.
I use a for i = 1 to 1000 and just keep looping through untill the serial
number is found. The spreadsheet is really big now and is becomming slow to

please help


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Turn on the macro recorder, select the column, do Edit=>find and find you
value. Turn off the macro recorder. Now use the recorded code to replace
you loop. Replace the hard coded serial number with a variable containing
the user's serial number.

Tom Ogilvy