Retreive data from text box and sort


Jeff Boyce

Data isn't stored in a textbox in Access. Data is stored in tables.

If you want to list dates, use a query to retrieve (and sort) the dates from
a field in a table.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

Probably the easiest way is to use a query for the list box which reads from
the form, something like:

SELECT tblMyData.DateField
FROM tblMyData
WHERE (((tblMyData.DateField)=[Forms]![tblMyData]![Expirare]));

Then requery when or if you change the textbox.


At first, I wanted to do how you told me, but I also wanted the date to be
dd/mm/yyyy type and couldn't do that, so I changed to text.

Jeff Boyce

Access treats text differently than date/time values. If you want to see a
date/time value displayed as you describe, don't change it to text, just use
the format property (or function).


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


I had already tried formating, but I didn't succeed. Maybe I didn't try enough.

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