Hi Nicholas,
This was the function in the VB active x dll project
Public Function GetCDRecords() As Variant
Dim colResponse As New Collection
Dim arList As Variant
On Error GoTo GetCDRecordsErrHandler
Set objDB = New ADODB.Connection
Set objRs = New ADODB.Recordset
objDB.Open strConn
strSql = "select cdm.cdno, cdm.cdtitle, cdcategory = (select cdcatname from
cdcategories cdc where cdc.cdid = cdm.cdid) from cdmaster cdm where
cdm.Status = 1 order by 1 desc"
objRs.Open strSql, strConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockReadOnly
If Not (objRs.BOF And objRs.EOF) Then
arList = objRs.GetRows()
End If
colResponse.Add arList, "CDRecords"
colResponse.Add False, Key:="error"
Set GetCDRecords = colResponse
Set objRs = Nothing
Set objDB = Nothing
Exit Function
Set objRs = Nothing
Set objDB = Nothing
GetCDRecords = "ERROR: " & Err.description
End Function
In ths ASP I used to get the array as follows,
Set objCDs = Server.CreateObject("capitalCD.admin")
Set objCDCatalog = objCDs.GetCDRecords()
arList = objCDCatalog("CDRecords")
I wanted to make this function accessible via a web service.
Nicholas Paldino said:
If you could post the code for the objGetRecords method, then that would
help. Most likely, it is returning an object, or an array cast to an
object. Are the types all simple types?
- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)
Srinivasa Reddy K Ganji said:
I have a function written in vb 6 which returns an array of results
In asp i get the array with this type of code
arList = objGetRecords("cdrecords")
I generated wsdl file for this function using soap toolkit and the dll. Then
added web reference to asp.net(c#) project and instantiated the function.
How do I retrieve the array of results here in c#? Any idea? Sample code
would be nice.