Retired Monitor


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
I've just retired a Samsung 753S monitor. It is a CRT model which has been running for 8 years and 5 months. Anyone match this? It still works just like new with a good picture but as I have been given a flat screen monitor then it will, reluctantly, have to go.

I always feel bad about chucking out items that are still in good working order but it certainly took up a lot of space. I also have a Sharp CRT TV which is working well but now have a new Flat screen TV. Trouble is that no-one wants these old tech items so it looks like the tip. :(
Such is progress I suppose.

Let's face it, a huge electricity-hungry heavy box is just not as good as a slim power-efficient monitor.

The moment flat screen monitors became viable and economical spelt the death knell for CRT's.

Which, in my opinion, is a good thing.

We have to move with the times I reckon.
Other people retired things can come in handy. I scored a Dell Inspiron 560 from the local tip over the weekend. Swapped out the power supply and reformatted. I'm happy :-)