Thanks for your reply.
All right, here's what I want. My application is being
developed using VB.NET The design is this.
A. Form 1 designed for user to enter the part number. Form
1 has two buttons "Okay" and "Cancel" If the user
clicks "Okay", a textfile is validated and read for the
details of the partnumber,and the part number is passed as
aparameter to form 2.
B. Form 2 shows all other details of the partnumber such
as drawing date, approved date, description etc. These
values are placed on Form 2. Three button are availableon
form 2, "SAVE" "CANCEL" "EXIT" The user is allowed to
change any other details of the part number other than the
part number. User changes any details saves and exit the
The requirement is that, if the user comes back the
application the second time around. I should be able to
show the partnumber he/she was working on in the Form 1.
How do I retain this value and show it?
Hope I have explained.
-----Original Message-----
See, there is no single "best" option. I could just give
some examples on
which way fits best the nature of the application:
a) An "Options" dialog box of a desktop application.
Usually settings are
stored in the registry or in a configuration file. Please
refer to the
Microsoft.Win32.Registry class and to the
System.Configuration namespace for
more detailed information and examples.
b) A "Preferences" web page of a Web application. Web
applications most
often work with some kind of database and usually store
all information
within the database. Please refer to the System.Data
namespace documentation
for more info and examples.
c) Customer details in a desktop CRM application. Such
complex applications
also usually rely on some kind of database or structured
P.S. In fact, the question you are asking is
too "broadband". I suggest you
are facing a particular problem, and if you would
describe things you want
to achieve, I think the community could came up with more
detailed advice.
Dmitriy Lapshin [C# / .NET MVP]
X-Unity Test Studio
Bring the power of unit testing to VS .NET IDE
What would be the best option to do this? Do you have a
sample coding on this?
Thanks in advance,