Retaining last value entered for next record

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hilary
  • Start date Start date


Hi, I have a race results program and need to enter the
time taken for each runner. I planned to do this from a
combo box list to avoid typing in each new time. Does
anyone know how I can retain the last time entered for
the next record so that I can quickly scroll up a few
seconds to the next finishing time?
PS I had to create method using 'text' as it won't allow
me to use the date/time format, but I don't think will be
a problem.
Many thanks for any help you can offer.
No need to use a combo box for this, if I'm understanding your setup
correctly. Instead, you can use the AfterUpdate property ofa textbox to
reset the default value of the textbox so that the next record will display
the time last entered, and then you can edit easier.

Put code similar to this on the textbox's AfterUpdate event:

Private Sub txtBoxName_AfterUpdate()
Me.txtBoxName.DefaultValue = """" & Me.txtBoxName.Value & """"
End Sub

A simple idea here might be to use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+' (i.e.
apostrophe), which will insert the same time as was entered for the
previous record. In fact, it may be quicker/simpler from a data entry
point of view to go "all keyboard". Ctrl+' followed by F4 to
drop-down the combobox list followed by down-arrow to find the next
time you want.

By the way, what do you mean about not using date/time data type? Do
you need to record milliseconds?

- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP
Thanks for the help. I looked at the AfterUpdate
property but had no idea what to put in there to make it
work. I'll try out your solution, along with the other
suggestion from Steve, and then decide what suits me
best. Your kind assistance deeply appreciated - the
program is for a charity organised road race.
Ken... Thanks for the help. Sometimes the simplest ideas
are the best! I'll try out your solution, along with the
other suggestion from Steve, and then decide what suits
me best. Your kind assistance deeply appreciated - the
program is for a charity organised road race.
