Retaining a default in an input box

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gordon Humphreys
  • Start date Start date

Gordon Humphreys

Many thanks to Hank Scorpio and Dave for solving the ‘screen
glassed-over’ problem. I have another, back to converting an Excel4
macros system to VB.

In Excel 4, =INPUT(“Use this again or overwrite”,3, “Enter accounting
date”, Z99) [where Z99 is the cell with the instruction], has the effect
of repeating last time’s entry. It works even if the file has been
closed overnight.

What is the VB equivalent? I hoped this would work

Dim BlankName As String
BlankName = InputBox("Enter the name k", _
"Name of the blank sheet you wish to use", BlankName)
Documents.Open BlankName

but it doesn’t ie the input box comes up blank. Is there a way of
making the default from the previous entry?