I have a Samsung 22" SyncMaster 225BW LCD monitor and an EVGA 7900 ko gt
video card.
I have a fresh copy of Vista 64 bit home premium installed with the latest
When my computer resumes from standby, the monitor refresh rate goes nuts.
I can't make out anything on the screen and upon resetting the box, Vista
boots up with the screwed up refresh rate.
I'm trying to find a "vga" mode to boot into, but the troubleshooting boot
menu does not offer it as an option.
The only way I've been able to fix this is to roll back my system using
system restore, then changing my resolution to 1024 x 768 and then allowing
windows update to re-install it's previous update.
Using safe mode and setting my resolution to a lower quality does not seem
to help. On re-boot, the system resumes it's screwy refresh rate.
I've also experimented with the latest Nvidia drivers with the same result
on resume from standby.
Any suggestions?
Can anyone tell me how to get the system to use vga mode on boot?
I have a Samsung 22" SyncMaster 225BW LCD monitor and an EVGA 7900 ko gt
video card.
I have a fresh copy of Vista 64 bit home premium installed with the latest
When my computer resumes from standby, the monitor refresh rate goes nuts.
I can't make out anything on the screen and upon resetting the box, Vista
boots up with the screwed up refresh rate.
I'm trying to find a "vga" mode to boot into, but the troubleshooting boot
menu does not offer it as an option.
The only way I've been able to fix this is to roll back my system using
system restore, then changing my resolution to 1024 x 768 and then allowing
windows update to re-install it's previous update.
Using safe mode and setting my resolution to a lower quality does not seem
to help. On re-boot, the system resumes it's screwy refresh rate.
I've also experimented with the latest Nvidia drivers with the same result
on resume from standby.
Any suggestions?
Can anyone tell me how to get the system to use vga mode on boot?