Loan# Order1 Recd1 Sent1 Order2 Recd2 Sent2
102922978 1/1/2009 1/2/2009 1/3/2009 2/3/2009 2/7/2009 2/12/2009
102929247 1/5/2009 1/8/2009 1/10/2009 2/4/2009 2/6/2009 2/8/2009
103523244 1/5/2009 1/8/2009 1/10/2009
For the above data, I need the output as below
Loan# Order Recd Sent
102922978 1/1/2009 1/2/2009 1/3/2009
102929247 1/5/2009 1/8/2009 1/10/2009
102922978 2/3/2009 2/7/2009 2/12/2009
102929247 2/4/2009 2/6/2009 2/8/2009
103523244 1/5/2009 1/8/2009 1/10/2009
I can get the result with three queries, can it be done using a single query.
Loan# Order1 Recd1 Sent1 Order2 Recd2 Sent2
102922978 1/1/2009 1/2/2009 1/3/2009 2/3/2009 2/7/2009 2/12/2009
102929247 1/5/2009 1/8/2009 1/10/2009 2/4/2009 2/6/2009 2/8/2009
103523244 1/5/2009 1/8/2009 1/10/2009
For the above data, I need the output as below
Loan# Order Recd Sent
102922978 1/1/2009 1/2/2009 1/3/2009
102929247 1/5/2009 1/8/2009 1/10/2009
102922978 2/3/2009 2/7/2009 2/12/2009
102929247 2/4/2009 2/6/2009 2/8/2009
103523244 1/5/2009 1/8/2009 1/10/2009
I can get the result with three queries, can it be done using a single query.