"Restrictions in effect on this computer"


Dean Mixon

Lately (after an abortive attempt to install Norton
antispam software), whenever I click on Tools/Internet
Options on IE I get a message that I cannot access this
tool because of the above.

Ours is a home computer with no restrictions. What can I
do to overcome this block?

Thanks a bunch,

Dean Mixon

Kenrick Fu

To unlock the Internet Options, follow these steps:
1. Quit all instances of Internet Explorer
2. Open Regedit.exe, navigate to this branch:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\

3. Delete the "NoBrowserOptions" Binary value

4. Close Registry Editor, restart IE.

Dean Mixon

Thank you, Kelly. Your fix worked perfectly, instantly,
couldn't be better. How marvellous it is to be able
to "piggyback" talent like yours!

Dean Mixon


Most welcome, Dean and thanks for the kind words. Am really glad to have
helped. Thanks for the feedback. :blush:)

Thank you, Kelly. Your fix worked perfectly, instantly,
couldn't be better. How marvellous it is to be able
to "piggyback" talent like yours!

Dean Mixon

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