Restriction on Internet Options - HELP!


Andy Pratt

In Internet Explorer 6.0, when I hit the "Tools" menu and
then select "Internet Options," I get a dialogue box
entitled "Restrictions" that says:

"This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in
effect on this computer. Please contact your system

I don't have an administrator! I'm just a poor schlep
running XP on my notebook computer at home. I've
obviously done something to block myself....perhaps
inadvertently as part of my battle with spam or pop-ups

Can someone tip me to what I may have done and how to un-
do it? Thanks!

Old Geek

It is good!

You have installed a Anti Spywear program that has locked internet options,
from within Internet Explorer, when you are actively using Internet
Explorer. This is to prevent dubious web sites from hijacking Internet
Explorer and altering the settings and installing items, such as tool bars,
behind your back.

There are settings in SpyBot that can be selected to do just this.

To change settings, exit I.E. Go to start/internet. Then right click and
choose internet properties. You can change anything you desire.


Andy Pratt said:

In Internet Explorer 6.0, when I hit the "Tools" menu and
then select "Internet Options," I get a dialogue box
entitled "Restrictions" that says:

"This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in
effect on this computer. Please contact your system

I don't have an administrator! I'm just a poor schlep
running XP on my notebook computer at home. I've
obviously done something to block myself....perhaps
inadvertently as part of my battle with spam or pop-ups

Can someone tip me to what I may have done and how to un-
do it? Thanks!

See Doug's site, below, and click on XP-FIXES
On the left side of the page, click on...

"Fix Internet Options Restriction"

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