Restriction on IE Options through IE




I encountered a baffling problem the other day and really don't know what
happened. I have XP and I can get to internet options the hard way (through
control panel) but no longer can use the drop down menu "Internet option"
under tools in IE. It gives me the following message when I try and open
internet options from the browser:


This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this
computer. Please contact your system administrator.

I have admin rights. Any ideas on how to fix?

Carey Frisch [MVP]

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Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


| Hello,
| I encountered a baffling problem the other day and really don't know what
| happened. I have XP and I can get to internet options the hard way (through
| control panel) but no longer can use the drop down menu "Internet option"
| under tools in IE. It gives me the following message when I try and open
| internet options from the browser:
| Restricitions
| This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this
| computer. Please contact your system administrator.
| I have admin rights. Any ideas on how to fix?

jerry s

Sounds like you may have downloaded and installed SpyBot Search & Destroy.
Thy symptom you'd mentioned is a security feature enabled in SpyBot to stop
a hacker from changing your IE options.

To re-enable your IE Option applet:

Open Spybot, look for a feature called "immunize" which can block certain
cookie downloads. On that same page are "3" check boxes (XP) that will
"block" opening (Internet Options) in order to prevent hijackers from
changing your settings.

Just (uncheck) the appropriate box if that is the problem.

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