Hello, I downloaded the windows messenger adm template file to have more
control over the windows messenger features, but there is no option that I
can find to control the ability to manage or not manage groups for people
connecting to the exchange server.
Would this be something that is controlled through exchange such as a group
policy feature that I cannot find or is there another way to grey out the
manage groups feature so that it cannot be used? This is a feature that we
employed at another site and are trying to keep it the same across all. Seems
no one can remember how to do it though.
Carito H
control over the windows messenger features, but there is no option that I
can find to control the ability to manage or not manage groups for people
connecting to the exchange server.
Would this be something that is controlled through exchange such as a group
policy feature that I cannot find or is there another way to grey out the
manage groups feature so that it cannot be used? This is a feature that we
employed at another site and are trying to keep it the same across all. Seems
no one can remember how to do it though.
Carito H