No, you do not need to setup security.
What you can do is use the options in tools->startup.
You do want to be careful with those options, as you might accidentally lock
your self out.
The procedure to setup things usually is:
Setup a form that launches when the application starts
(tools->startup->Display Form)
Hide the database window (tools->startup->Un-check Display Database
Turn off special keys (tools->startup-Un-check "Use Access special
When you exit the mdb file, next time those startup options will be used.
However, what happens when YOU want to work on, and make changes? To by-pass
the startup options, you HOLD DOWN the shift-key during program startup. You
can eventually even dis-able this option as sometimes your users will know
about that feature also.
There is a number of additional options you need to set in the tools
start-up. So, just remember that all the options you need to set this up in
found in the startup options. You also should consider using a mde file, as
that also means that forms, and reports etc can not be changed.
Try downloading the 3rd example at the following link of mine. Try running
the application, and see how the ms-access interface is complete hidden.
Now, exit, and next time hold down the shift key to get in. Now take a look
at how the startup options were set. It is only a few mouse clicks, and all
of your application will be hidden. In that example, I also made a tiny menu
bar with two options
Try the above download. It takes less time to set this up, then it does for
me to type this answer to you!