Restrict User network access


Anders Rasmussen

I have a machine set up for several different users, for
various tasks (e.g. **my nam**, with slightly more
priveleges, and password-protected; Admin, with full
authority; Games, not pasworded; and Multimedia, for
various tasks therewith associated.)

With the Multimedia Account, which is NOT password
protected, I want to be able to disable my firewall and
anti-virus protection, AND also be able to shut off ALL
network access privileges, including Local (LAN) and
Internet, e-mail, etc.
I have spent several hours pouring through the
various "Group Policy Settings," "User
Priveleges," "Security" settings, ad infintium, to no

I talked to a friend who knows quite a bit about
computers as well, but his primary OS is Linux, which
doesn't help me out all that much.

IF anyone out there knows how to do this (restric/deny
network/internet access and selectivly block startup
programs), please send me an e-mail and let me know!

Thank's, Anders


I have a machine set up for several different users, for
various tasks (e.g. **my nam**, with slightly more
priveleges, and password-protected; Admin, with full
authority; Games, not pasworded; and Multimedia, for
various tasks therewith associated.)

With the Multimedia Account, which is NOT password
protected, I want to be able to disable my firewall and
anti-virus protection, AND also be able to shut off ALL
network access privileges, including Local (LAN) and
Internet, e-mail, etc.
I have spent several hours pouring through the
various "Group Policy Settings," "User
Priveleges," "Security" settings, ad infintium, to no

I talked to a friend who knows quite a bit about
computers as well, but his primary OS is Linux, which
doesn't help me out all that much.

IF anyone out there knows how to do this (restric/deny
network/internet access and selectivly block startup
programs), please send me an e-mail and let me know!

Thank's, Anders

Actually to those that know this, please post the answer here. I've
also been pouring through whitepapers and html documents for over 4
hours and still have no clue how to create this policy.

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There is no shame in ignorance. There is shame not overcoming it with knowledge.

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