Restrict updates and deletes

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Is there a way to prompt for additional information
(name,password,comment) if someone tries to change
existing data from a form and perhaps write it to a table.
If so can someone please guide me. I don't know very much
VBA which I'm pretty sure will be required in this case.
thanks for the help.
You would need to attach code to force (and verify) the input of the
authentication information either to the Form's OnDirty Event or to
the Form's BeforeUpdate Event. The former would require authentication
before any change was made to the displayed data. The latter would
prevent any changes from beig saved without authentication.

Is there a way to prompt for additional information
(name,password,comment) if someone tries to change
existing data from a form and perhaps write it to a table.
If so can someone please guide me. I don't know very much
VBA which I'm pretty sure will be required in this case.
thanks for the help.

Please respond to the Newsgroup, so that others may benefit from the exchange.
Peter R. Fletcher
Without "teaching by infinite regression", for which I don't have
time, I don't think that I can guide you through this as an isolated
exercise. You should work through a good book (or course) on Access
programming, at which point, you will have the skills and knowledge to
do what you want to do.

Any examples? As i said I'm not very skilled in VBA yet.

Please respond to the Newsgroup, so that others may benefit from the exchange.
Peter R. Fletcher