On the Got focus event of field C you can write the code
If IsNull(Me.[Field A]) Or IsNull(Me.[Field B]) then
msgbox "Must enter value in fields A and B"
Me.[Field A].SetFocus
End If
And I assume that you might want some code, to delete the value from field
incase the value from fields A and B were deleted
On the After update event of fields a and b, write the code
If Not IsNull(Me.[Field C]) And (IsNull(Me.[Field A]) Or IsNull(Me.[Field
B]) ) then
me.[Field C]= Null
End if
If I answered your question, please mark it as an answer. That way, it
stay saved for a longer time, so other can benefit from it.
Good luck
Ernie Sersen said:
How do I disable entry of data into form field C unless there is data in
fields A and B? Also, is there a way to display a warning box as soon
someone places the cursor in or moves the mouse over field C?