What exactly happens when you chose to restore the registry.. do you lose
recently installed software? as if you used system restore? Any input
appreciated.. thanks Rainy
The registry is made of "hives." Several system hives, an all user hive,
and individual user hives.
System Restore monitors changes to the portions of the registry that apply
to the system. If trying to revert from a bad software install, articles
about System Restore recommend uninstalling the program if at all possible
before rolling back to a previous restore point.
Programs that restore previous registry files are usually more broad in
scope. They create backup sets of all portions of the registry. There's a
"gotcha" in many of these programs. Usually only the current user's
registry hive is backed up. Hives for other users are not always sought
Also.. the current user's portion of the registry is a dynamic set of
files: loaded hives (.dat files) and active change logs. Since the
individual user hive is in use when you create restore sets, hives and
change logs may not be recorded in their entirety. Being "in use" can also
make the restoration process incomplete.
Back to your question about what would happen in regards to a program's
installation: The program's folders and files would still be on the hard
drive. However registry info about the program would no longer exist. If
the program relies on registry entries to work correctly, then the program
would need to be reinstalled before that can happen. This would happen with
System Restore or a registry backup/restore program.
Basically the difference between using system restore and a program that
can create/restore backup sets of the registry will be in the user parts of
the registry. System Restore does not monitor them. The registry backup
program would restore whatever portions of user hives it was able to