----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce" <>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 10:41 AM
Subject: restoring backed up files from winword
I backed up my winword files using the backup command-I
am trying to get at some of those old files from floppies
using XP-I don't know how-the old restore command doesn't
seem to work
The old DOS restore command?
XP doesn't actually run DOS from the command prompt.
If you have an old bootable floppy with the restore command on that floppy?
You might try that or try restoring directly from the floppy and to c:\ and
moving them later.
I would caution you about NOT using XP to write to these old floppies. There
are incompatability issues when just plain reading files between older
computers with earlier versions of DOS and XP.