restored XP.. Almost!!!!

Feb 20, 2006
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I recently had a crash om my system "windows\system32\config\system....missing or corrupt". I went to the MS web site and used their fix as follows:

md tmp
copy c:\windows\system32\config\system c:\windows\tmp\system.bak
copy c:\windows\system32\config\software c:\windows\tmp\software.bak
copy c:\windows\system32\config\sam c:\windows\tmp\sam.bak
copy c:\windows\system32\config\security c:\windows\tmp\security.bak
copy c:\windows\system32\config\default c:\windows\tmp\default.bak

delete c:\windows\system32\config\system
delete c:\windows\system32\config\software
delete c:\windows\system32\config\sam
delete c:\windows\system32\config\security
delete c:\windows\system32\config\default

copy c:\windows\repair\system c:\windows\system32\config\system
copy c:\windows\repair\software c:\windows\system32\config\software
copy c:\windows\repair\sam c:\windows\system32\config\sam
copy c:\windows\repair\security c:\windows\system32\config\security
copy c:\windows\repair\default c:\windows\system32\config\default

It got my stem back up and I'm able to access all the programs on my C drive but I lost all the desktop shortcuts to programs installed on my D drive. I tried to goto the EXE file and create new short cuts but the programs will not run. I tried to run them from the PROGRAMS MENU but nthe wont run. It tells me the program has to be installed.

When I ren the program it starts and runs but says the program needed to be installed for the current user.

Any one know how to get them back with out reinstalling them?
Thats where I like to install programs. It is a physical drive not a partitoned one from C. I never had a problem like this before, where the icons would not run the programs after a restore. I'm finding I have other problems like no communitions with a USB printer also now And it may require me to to reformat and reinstall XP. Right now I can get the information I need off the C drive. Any other information you can give will help. Thanks
you don;t by any chance have a restore point you can restore from before this incident do you?
that procedure restores most of the registry, but leaves out some user specific
entries. you've lost some entries pertaining to those programs. (user.dat in your usernames document and settings has some of this specific to your user, all users has a user.dat that may have the balance )
if this is xp pro, see if they run as administrator.
If this is xp home..... well.... safemode is the only way to get to true adminstrator.

If they run as admin, you may be able to fix your user, but I;d really have to think on the easiest way to do that.
A system restore from before the problme is the best/easiest way.
gapadad2 said:
Any one know how to get them back with out reinstalling them?

You will need to reinstall them. :)
Backup up what you need to and reinstall everything. Probs save you time doin this.

Just because it aint caused you problems before it dont mean it cant happen. I suggest you install your programs on your main drive NOT a secondary one m8.
It seems a certain *.dll had become corrupt and is now not recognising the shortcuts you have. Dont ask which cos I got a clue!

If a system restore aint worked, then I guess a system install will.

Sorry we cant be of more help really