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Can any one help me , my wife accidently did a Restore on
my XP 2003 comp which has lost everything that we had
saved. I am concern for my children as there is a lot of
school work,home work etc been lost which is important as
daughter in final year and son just about to take his
exams and will require some of his work of comp .
Can some one tell us how to get back all the things we
have saved which include holiday photos as well .
Would be most grateful as will our children


If you are referring to a feature of Windows XP called System Restore then
you should know that System Restore has no effect at all on user files (like
your children's homework). System Restore is for system settings, not user

Tom Swift
If you have an OEM restore feature, either on the hard drive or a restore
disk, and that is what she used, all of the files are gone for good. That
is, unless you are willing to pay someone thousands of dollars to find them
for you.

Wish I had better news, JAX
so how do I get them back , I am going on what my wife
said , she clicked on some arrows in bottom right corner
of tool bar at bottom comp .
I dont what it was as it its not there now but assumme it
was some sort of restore ............

It's impossible to guess what happened based on a description of "clicked on
some arrows in bottom right corner of tool bar at bottom comp."

If you want to see if the files are still accessible, do this: Search your
computer (Start > Search) for all files ending in .doc. To do this use *.doc
as the search term. You will be shown a list of all the documents on your
computer that were created in Microsoft Word. Similarly, searching for *.xls
will show you a list of all documents on your computer that were created in
Microsoft Excel. If your children's homework was created in a program other
than Word or Excel, post back with the name of the program(s) and we'll
supply the correct search term.

Is it possible that your children backed up their work, to recordable CDs or
diskettes? Hopefully, the backed up versions are recent enough to be

For complete instructions on using Search, open the Help and Support Center
(Start > Help and Support) and in the Search box at the upper right hand
corner, type the word "search" (without the quotes) and click on the green
arrow. You can read an article called 'Search for a file or folder.'

Good luck.

Tom Swift