During a diagnostic/repair session with an MS Tech, regarding a
problem associated with the install of SP3, I was told to Export an
item from the Registry, Save it, then Delete the key from the
registry. The key I Deleted was the one that displays the COM / LPT
PORT entry in Device Manager.
These are the instructions I was given by the MS Tech:
[At this time, let's perform the following steps to troubleshoot:
1. Click "Start", go to "Run", type in "regedit" to open the Registry
2. Click the "+" mark in the left pane one by one to expand and then
navigate to the following key:
2. Right click {4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} entry, choose
"Export" and save it as a backup.
3. Right click it and choose "Delete".]
When deleting that key did not fix the problem, the Tech passed me off
to a higher level Tech, who hasn't been able to fix the problem
either.He has left me swinging in the wind for several weeks. No
response to multiple email requests for additional suggestions.
Called the 800# and gave up after waiting a 1/2 hour. So much for MS'
FREE support for SP3 related problems.
I would like to be able to see the COM / LPT PORT entry in Device
Manager, so how do I restore that key to the Registry?
problem associated with the install of SP3, I was told to Export an
item from the Registry, Save it, then Delete the key from the
registry. The key I Deleted was the one that displays the COM / LPT
PORT entry in Device Manager.
These are the instructions I was given by the MS Tech:
[At this time, let's perform the following steps to troubleshoot:
1. Click "Start", go to "Run", type in "regedit" to open the Registry
2. Click the "+" mark in the left pane one by one to expand and then
navigate to the following key:
2. Right click {4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} entry, choose
"Export" and save it as a backup.
3. Right click it and choose "Delete".]
When deleting that key did not fix the problem, the Tech passed me off
to a higher level Tech, who hasn't been able to fix the problem
either.He has left me swinging in the wind for several weeks. No
response to multiple email requests for additional suggestions.
Called the 800# and gave up after waiting a 1/2 hour. So much for MS'
FREE support for SP3 related problems.
I would like to be able to see the COM / LPT PORT entry in Device
Manager, so how do I restore that key to the Registry?