Restore Recycle Bin



Trying to help client restore there XP recycle bin. Is there any way I can
restore documents after the recycle bin has been emptied?
Please help, desperate.
Thanks in advance John


Only with spealist software (like Winternals Disk Commander) and only
if the files haven't been overwritten by newer files.

Ken Blake

Trying to help client restore there XP recycle bin. Is there
any way
I can restore documents after the recycle bin has been emptied?

"Deleting" a file doesn't actually delete it; it just marks the
space as available to be used. There are third-party programs
that can sometimes recover deleted files. The problem is that the
space used by the file is likely to become overwritten very
quickly, and this makes the file unrecoverable.

So your chances of successfully recovering this file are decent
if you try recovering it immediately after deleting it, and
rapidly go downhill from there. If you've been using the computer
since then (for example to write this question and read this
answer), your chances are probably very poor by now.

But if the file is important enough, it's worth a try anyway.
Stop using the computer in question immediately, if you haven't
done so already. Download an undelete program (here's one: but there are
several others to choose from; do a Google search) on a friend's
computer and bring it to yours on a floppy to try.

If this fails, your only other recourse is to take the drive to a
professional file recovery company. This kind of service is very
expensive and may or may not work in your case.

Wesley Vogel

This may be a moot point now, but in the future when you delete something or
empty your Recycle Bin and want to recover something from it... Stop using
the computer now. Your recovery chances are better if the file has not been

This is free.

Restoration Version 2.5.14 Author: Brian Kato

[[Restore files which are deleted from the recycle bin or deleted while
holding down the Shift key by mistake. Conversely, this program has another
function that makes it almost impossible to restore all deleted files. You
can use it after deletion of confidential documents, embarrassing files and
so on.]]

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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