Gary LsuEduLive Adams said:
Restore / Re-Install XP Home
What are some tips to Restore / Re-Install XP Home on a new HD ?
Thank you for your time
Such as what? You'll need to be more specific, or Google the procedure you
want then come back with particular questions arising. Without a framework,
I'd just say: ensure you have backups of your data. Set your BIOS to boot to
CD first. Insert XP CD. Turn on computer; press a key to boot to CD if
prompted. Follow the directions to partition & format the drive, and install
Windows as desired. Copy over data from backup.
If you're after a discussion of the merits of restoring versus a full
reinstall - well, if it's a new HD, you can't reinstall anyway, nor can you
use XP's System Restore, if that's what you meant...