Restore or Last Known Good Configuration?

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Which is the best to do first? I am assuming the Last Known Config is. I
belong to a non pc Forum and sometimes the members will ask about their PC
problems. I am seeing the advice of restoring being given a lot. This is
frustrating me because that seems like a more drastic step then going with
the Last Known config first. What is the best step to take first?


'Last Known Good Configuration' will replace the Registry and System Restore
will restore the Registry + other system files. LKGC does work to access
Windows a lot of the time, so trying that first is a good idea. Also, that
option doesn't take as long as System Restore to perform as it doesn't
restore as many files
Which is the best to do first? I am assuming the Last Known Config is. I
belong to a non pc Forum and sometimes the members will ask about their PC
problems. I am seeing the advice of restoring being given a lot. This is
frustrating me because that seems like a more drastic step then going with
the Last Known config first. What is the best step to take first?


In addition to what Will has posted:

Probably the main reason that you see System Restore referred to more often
is that LKGC has a very small window of time where it's effective and then
only under the condition that Windows does not boot successfully. Once
Windows boots successfully (with or without problems), the data for LKGC is
updated. By the time a problem gets posted here, it is very likely that
LKGC is no longer a viable option.

Theoretically and as documented in the XP Resource Kit, booting to Safe
Mode (vs a normal startup) should not disturb the data set for LKGC. In
other words, you could try a Safe Mode boot and even if it is successful
you'd still have LKGC as an option.

However, there are those of the opinion that this does not hold true. They
state that booting to Safe Mode will update LKGC. Personally, I've had the
opportunity (if failure to boot could be called that) to use LKGC once in
all the years that I've had Windows XP. So haven't been able to prove or
disprove either stance: MS documentation versus perceived experiences of
other users.
That's true. I have learnt a lot from this.
Sharon F said:
In addition to what Will has posted:

Probably the main reason that you see System Restore referred to more
is that LKGC has a very small window of time where it's effective and then
only under the condition that Windows does not boot successfully. Once
Windows boots successfully (with or without problems), the data for LKGC
updated. By the time a problem gets posted here, it is very likely that
LKGC is no longer a viable option.

Theoretically and as documented in the XP Resource Kit, booting to Safe
Mode (vs a normal startup) should not disturb the data set for LKGC. In
other words, you could try a Safe Mode boot and even if it is successful
you'd still have LKGC as an option.

However, there are those of the opinion that this does not hold true. They
state that booting to Safe Mode will update LKGC. Personally, I've had the
opportunity (if failure to boot could be called that) to use LKGC once in
all the years that I've had Windows XP. So haven't been able to prove or
disprove either stance: MS documentation versus perceived experiences of
other users.
Depends what's wrong. Some general info. Looking in;
you'll find the D_Word values for

CurrentControlSet is volatile and will always be an image (at boot) of
what's defined in ControlSetx where x = the value of "Current"

Choosing last known good boots the system with the control set that last
successfully booted your system. Control sets contain system configuration
information such as device drivers and services.


Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]

| Which is the best to do first? I am assuming the Last Known Config is. I
| belong to a non pc Forum and sometimes the members will ask about their PC
| problems. I am seeing the advice of restoring being given a lot. This is
| frustrating me because that seems like a more drastic step then going with
| the Last Known config first. What is the best step to take first?
| CK