Restarting Windows does not restart windows


Bilal Abbasi

I just built a machine and after installing Windows 2000 on it, I
cannot seem to be able to restart windows without hitting the Power
switch on the power supply. Shut down works, but restart causes the
windows to shut down and from what seems like POST is different in
that the screen has no input signal and hard disk light stays on
nearly constantly. Has anyone seen this happening?

Bilal Abbasi


Did you set the power setting in your BIOS ? And usually if the light on a
drive stays on all the time it means that the cable is not plugged in right.
The number one pin is reversed, Look at your power settings in your control
panel under your display icon also, Or you need to re-check all your wires
and drives to make sure they are all plugged in correctly. You may want to
consider if everything else looks OK to Format and do a fresh install of Win
Let me know if it works and if not I will try to help you fix it. I build
them all the time and you will come across some strange things sometimes and
it is usually simple to fix.

Bilal Abbasi

Let me explain,

System boots fine. I can browse the internet, run programs etc etc without
any problem. The problem is when you either install something that requires
a re-boot or you have to restart the system by pressing the reset button.

When system boots becausse of a software install, the screen goes blank. the
hard disk light comes on and would not go off. I have to use the re-set

When a program stops responding and I have to use the re-set button, the
hard disk light comes on and would not go off and I have to hit the re-set
button again.

Does this sound like a power or bios related problem?



No, it sounds like a software problem, you can try running the repair
program no the win 2000 disc, have you downloaded all of the updates ?

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