Restart When Playing Games

Jul 19, 2005
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Hello all,

I have a Fujisu Siemens Scaleo T only a few months old, I've had problems in the past with it and so far I've has 2 new Graphics cards put in, a new memory chipset and also had to send my PC away to Fujitsu. At the moment I have a Radeon x700 Graphics card when playing a game at any time could be 10 minutes into the game or 45 mins my PC restarts but I don't seem to get any error messages like I used too.

Can anyone please give me some assistance as this is driving me potty.
sturid said:
Hello all,

I have a Fujisu Siemens Scaleo T only a few months old, I've had problems in the past with it and so far I've has 2 new Graphics cards put in, a new memory chipset and also had to send my PC away to Fujitsu. At the moment I have a Radeon x700 Graphics card when playing a game at any time could be 10 minutes into the game or 45 mins my PC restarts but I don't seem to get any error messages like I used too.

Can anyone please give me some assistance as this is driving me potty.

If it is under warranty I don’t see why you cant have a replacement, considering all the problems you seem to be having in such a short space of time.:eek:

It does not say very much about Fujisu being a very reliable manufacturer.
When i first started getting all the problems i'd had it just over 28 days so guess what they would now give me a new one, also i got this PC through work and i'm now stuck with it for 3 years, believe you me my next PC will not be a Fujitsu.
Yeah sounds like overheating problems...make sure the cards fan is attached firmly sometimes this is a culprit when the machine shuts down and restarts at intervals...

Have also found this problem on cards with too much arctic silver between fan and Gpu...some people tend to spread it on like marmite, when all you need is a third of a small finger nail size ball and let it thinly cover the surface of the Gpu....