Restart Problem With XPHome(SP2)



Dell Dimension 8400 w/1.5 GB Ram running XP Home (SP2).

Whenever I have to do a restart I end up with the pc not restarting.
Then have to go into safe mode which starts ok. At that point I usually
select system restore. Here it seems is where issues begin...going back
to the previous day usually results in an unsuccessful restore.
Sometimes going back several days works ok, sometimes not. I do not
restart every day, pc is on 24/7 sometimes I go a week or more without
restarting but when I have to do a restart I can pretty much count on it
not to work.

Any suggestions?


it seems that after a long
period of on time, the registry
may become corrupted.

if the presumption is
correct you could try a couple
of things.

download the following

"registry hive cleaner" from
and "erunt" from somewhere over the net.

the registry hive cleaner will
run automatically upon each boot up,
so you only need to download it and
install it.

however the erunt is not automatic
and i suggest you run it before you
decide to reboot after a long up time.

as mentioned, the above might
help but they won't hurt by trying...


another thing you would want
to do is to uncheck any automated
services or tasks that update programs

if your pc is running 24/7 all by itself, then
these automated downloads can
destabilize your system especially if
they try to install and then try to reboot.

it is only a suggestion, as why you run
your pc 24/7 doesn't concern me. it
is unfortunate that the o.s. is having
an issue with your needs.....

Dell Dimension 8400 w/1.5 GB Ram running XP Home (SP2).

Whenever I have to do a restart I end up with the pc not restarting.
Then have to go into safe mode which starts ok. At that point I usually
select system restore. Here it seems is where issues begin...going back
to the previous day usually results in an unsuccessful restore.
Sometimes going back several days works ok, sometimes not. I do not
restart every day, pc is on 24/7 sometimes I go a week or more without
restarting but when I have to do a restart I can pretty much count on it
not to work.

Any suggestions?


something else
that might help
could be using
the auto chkdsk.

it might be helpful
to resolve disk issues
automatically and
prior to loading the o.s.

"db" <> wrote in message it seems that after a long
period of on time, the registry
may become corrupted.

if the presumption is
correct you could try a couple
of things.

download the following

"registry hive cleaner" from
and "erunt" from somewhere over the net.

the registry hive cleaner will
run automatically upon each boot up,
so you only need to download it and
install it.

however the erunt is not automatic
and i suggest you run it before you
decide to reboot after a long up time.

as mentioned, the above might
help but they won't hurt by trying...


another thing you would want
to do is to uncheck any automated
services or tasks that update programs

if your pc is running 24/7 all by itself, then
these automated downloads can
destabilize your system especially if
they try to install and then try to reboot.

it is only a suggestion, as why you run
your pc 24/7 doesn't concern me. it
is unfortunate that the o.s. is having
an issue with your needs.....

Dell Dimension 8400 w/1.5 GB Ram running XP Home (SP2).

Whenever I have to do a restart I end up with the pc not restarting.
Then have to go into safe mode which starts ok. At that point I usually
select system restore. Here it seems is where issues begin...going back
to the previous day usually results in an unsuccessful restore.
Sometimes going back several days works ok, sometimes not. I do not
restart every day, pc is on 24/7 sometimes I go a week or more without
restarting but when I have to do a restart I can pretty much count on it
not to work.

Any suggestions?


unfortunately, i made
an error in regards to the
suggestion regarding
"registry hive cleaner"

what i meant to suggest
was a program from
called pagedfrg.

maybe one day microsoft
will develop a "registry hive
cleaner". but for now they only have
a "profile hive cleaner"

sorry for the error...

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