Hi. I don't mean to be a pain in the butt but can someone at MS tell me if
something has changed in terms of your support for Newsgroup responses? Used
to be - as recently as a month ago - that if I posted a reasonable question,
especially in your .NET groups, I'd get an MSFT response almost assuredly
within 24 hours. Lately, though, there seem to be no responses from anywhere.
Again, not to be too whiny, but is something going on?
something has changed in terms of your support for Newsgroup responses? Used
to be - as recently as a month ago - that if I posted a reasonable question,
especially in your .NET groups, I'd get an MSFT response almost assuredly
within 24 hours. Lately, though, there seem to be no responses from anywhere.
Again, not to be too whiny, but is something going on?