Response to previous thread - to Over & Easy

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Over Easy, ESQ

JEWboy said:
Actually on a serious note you don't know a crap about someone on the
end of your cable.
I came to America w/$20 in pocket in made myself, I have MSEE and will get
PhD soon.

Let's see - You claim to be educated. You can't spell. You can't configure
your clock, you can't write yet you will be getting a PhD? HA HA HA HA -
NOPE. You are still a dumbshit.

You were born here, let me guess - did you parents cover some college

Oops. Wrong. I was born in Europe and I put myself through school.

Did you ever go hungry for WEEKS?

I went hungry for a few hours about 5 years ago.

Ever walked for 70 blocks in NYC because you didn't have enough for a
fare? Lived 1 1/2 hours frm college?

I can afford a car. Oops.
I have an INCOME. Something that seems to escape you. HA HA HA HA

Had NO relatives, brothers/sisters to comfort you?

Oops. Wrong again douche bag.

My father came here at the age of 51, what kind of "high earner" could he
become without English? He's been a Project Manager and Civil Engineer
29 years, here he became a cheap liughting assembler at $7/hour. My mom
and is sick, and yet she still works as a Home Health Aide.
My father is now 70.

Sounds like a personal problem.

Shut the F UP, and quit making assumptions about other people.

Bite me.

You'd be dirt today if you went thru this Hell.

I didn't so bite me again loser.

I'd liek to see you fleeing a collapsed country, landing in another
which used to be your archenemy, learn an UNRELATED language (it's not
Italians learn Spanish, that's easy!), come with a few dollars from a
non-Western, non capitalist system.

Sorry - Didn't happen.

And yet I made myself into a Middle Class.

No - You made yourself into LOWER CLASS. Look at your posts. HA HA HA HA

While your native-birn f*nuts get on Welfare and continuously require us
pay for 400 years of you know what, and then slap "bias" and
"discrimination" where they please.
Ohh and F* Michael jackson the peed0phile (can't spell that word here).

So you claim to have an MSEE and are going for a PhD? BULLSHIT. You are a
****ing liar.

We make this kind rich, and CEO's, scientists, engineers, etc not so rich
a basketball player throwing balls, having IQ of 60.

What do ya know? Your IQ is below 60!!!!!!

Shut up and get back to 'earning money".

Thanks, I will do just that. Now I need to plan my next vacation. I wonder
if the wife would like to see Greece or Europe or maybe we should go back to
Hawaii. Been to Hawaii 2 years ago so maybe we should go somewhere else.

Maybe we will take her Lexus RX400 Hybrid to the airport!
Actually on a serious note you don't know a crap about someone on the other
end of your cable.
I came to America w/$20 in pocket in made myself, I have MSEE and will get
PhD soon.

You were born here, let me guess - did you parents cover some college costs?
Did you ever go hungry for WEEKS?
Ever walked for 70 blocks in NYC because you didn't have enough for a subway
fare? Lived 1 1/2 hours frm college?

Had NO relatives, brothers/sisters to comfort you?
My father came here at the age of 51, what kind of "high earner" could he
become without English? He's been a Project Manager and Civil Engineer for
29 years, here he became a cheap liughting assembler at $7/hour. My mom was
and is sick, and yet she still works as a Home Health Aide.
My father is now 70.

Shut the F UP, and quit making assumptions about other people.

You'd be dirt today if you went thru this Hell.
I'd liek to see you fleeing a collapsed country, landing in another country
which used to be your archenemy, learn an UNRELATED language (it's not like
Italians learn Spanish, that's easy!), come with a few dollars from a
non-Western, non capitalist system.

And yet I made myself into a Middle Class.

While your native-birn f*nuts get on Welfare and continuously require us to
pay for 400 years of you know what, and then slap "bias" and
"discrimination" where they please.
Ohh and F* Michael jackson the peed0phile (can't spell that word here).
We make this kind rich, and CEO's, scientists, engineers, etc not so rich as
a basketball player throwing balls, having IQ of 60.

Shut up and get back to 'earning money".

P.S. Did you get a Harvard degree with parents help so doors open for you
instead of kicking them open like I did for years, proving that I am not a
donkey and City College Grove School of Engineering is not a farm barn?
Most know newsgroups such as these attract trolls.
JEWboy is obviously a troll, to be more precise
the troll in residence in this newsgroup, but
JEWboy is much more than your garden variety troll.

JEWboy is a buffoon. That simply means JEWboy
is a clown, obviously some poorly educated loser,
what many would simply call stupid. To prove that point,
shortly after JEWboy reads this there's a better
than 50% chance he'll remove his name in the title,
substitute mine, maybe change a few words around
and pretend he wrote the post. That's a classic
JEWboy ****wit move.

What's a ****wit? Really we're getting into degrees of stupid.
JEWboy excels at showing how stupid he can be.
JEWboy loves to be the internet bully.
Anyone raising any issue that differ with JEWboy,
JEWboy automatically spews a familiar string of obscenities.
For good measure JEWboy will usually accuse the poster of being
a ****wit and will say they are too stupid to have an opinion
and will post infantile comments more common to six year olds
playing some non-stop games of is too, is not that JEWboy
has repeated thousands of times, because that's all he is capable of.

JEWboy craves attention and acceptance,
so he tries hard to impress people. He loves to pretend
he runs a business and is an Engineer. Sometimes JEWboy
gets really carried away and says he can program Flash.
When challenged what these technologies are,
JEWboy retreats and refuses to name them,
knowing it is just a lie.
If you read just a few of JEWboy's posts you'll
quickly discover JEWboy loves to lie. That is his real passion.
In fact you would be hard pressed to read any JEWboy
post that was over stuffed with his lies.

JEWboy has told some whoppers too. Like he
insists he's very handsome. Again, any picture to back that
claim up is never offered. JEWboy says he has goo all
over his shorts. Another tall tale JEWboy loves to
throw out like him claiming to be rich and successful.
Depending on how demented JEWboy is when posting
he'll tell you he is a masturbator guy actively shooting
off his mouth, to being hands-off and retired, to being
semi-retired or being in the process of selling his business
or some other tall tale. JEWboy claims to drive a prius.
He can't drive because he lives in an institution.

JEWboy is most obvious the liar when he tries to pretend
he's an authority on everything. JEWboy forgets he once
told this newsgroup he had to call Microsoft's help line which
he refers to has his private consultants before he could get
Vista to run on his system. In spite of this admission
JEWboy is clueless, he's usually the first to accuse
others of not knowing how to install or run Vista when
it was HE that couldn't get the job done by himself.

JEWboy is quite the little crybaby. He's among the first
to curse, yell and bitch and he's always shaking his finger
at others if they put known troublemakers in their place,
however JEWboy has given himself absolute authority
and dominion over everyone posting to this newsgroup.
JEWboy has actually said he can yell, curse and scream
all he wants, because he has a right to. Maybe JEWboy
hears voices in his head. When pressed JEWboy shits his pants.

JEWboy obviously is way short of a full deck.
The mental picture most get of JEWboy is some old fool
beet red in the face, pounding his fist on his
desk as he curses somebody out.
JEWboy not being very creative always uses the
same insults even though he's never met any of us personally.
So if JEWboy attacks you, you are automatically
a fanboy, a ****tard, or an idiot.

So what you should take away from this little post
is JEWboy is mentally unstable, a known deranged pervert,
a proven Sheep ****er and just the biggest Putz on
Usenet you'll probably ever come across.