
  • Thread starter Thread starter alien2_51
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I need to know if the client is connected from the session_end, how can I do
Scott M. said:
Session_End fires when the session is no longer valid

Sorry.. That's not true.. Session_End fires when the timeout has been
The session is still valid in the Session_End... I have full access to all
session vars inside the end event..

so you would never
have a connected client at that point.


If Response.IsClientConnected Then
your code here
End If

But put this code into an event prior to Session_End.

Be specific please... What event fires before Session_End...?
Also, please do not cross-post as you have done with this message.

I made 1 post to many newsgroups... Whats wrong with that....?
Alan said:
It's generally considered bad 'netiquette' to post a single message to
multiple groups

generally - sorry we have to disagree.
especially when the groups chosen (dotnet and
classic ASP) have little in common.

however, we do agree in that particular instance ;o)

multi-posting OTOH is always irritating for well documented reasons