Response cutting off

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul
  • Start date Start date


Hi all,

I'm probably missing something obvious here, but occasionally the
response stream for pages on my site is cutting off leaving incomplete
HTML and an ugly page.

Response.Buffer is set to true - is there anything else that would be
causing this?

I'm using ASP .NET 2.0 on a Win 2K3 box.


It's only a 50 KB page, and I've just noticed something really unusual
happening - the page occasionally outputs page output from other
peoples' sessions mixed in with my page output, making the HTML
invalid and potentially exposing other peoples' personal information.
This is really strange and I have no idea how it could be happening.


You could try turning off buffering. I've seen weird behaviour when
buffering larger pages. Not sure about the session leaking though, does
sound odd.
Most likely it's not a response being cut-off.
It's a bad HTML.
Just make sure that you are closing all open quote or HTML tags.

For example
<input type="text value=adasd>assdfsd

will looked like cut of cause of not closed quote. Open up page in "View
source" to make sure that everything was sent to the browser and last tag is

Hi George,

It's definitely more than that - the HTML is fine.

As well as the response occasionally cutting off, the page
occasionally outputs output from different requests. I was testing
just before and the page rendered a mixture of output from 3 different
requests. I checked the IIS logs and all 3 requests happened at the
same second. I have no idea why this is happening.


They use the Cache object, but nothing else other than session data.

It's weird, when I view the HTML source, it has excerpts from the
other requests, including 3 closing HTML tags.

It's not like the requests are sharing the same application variables,
but rather somehow the output stream is getting muddled up with the
concurrent requests.

Any ideas?


I really doubt that IIS is at fault here.
That kind of bug would not go unnoticed.

You should look if you caching output of user/server controls I can see how
it gets mixed up if you were not careful specifying caching dependencies.
If you use caching try to disable it and check if it's still going to be

Also you need to check on how carefully you using static variables in your
application. they must be used in thread neutral way.
