
  • Thread starter Thread starter Michael K.
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Michael K.

We have create email accounts for our Video Conference
Boardrooms. We want to be able to go to the attendee
availability page and view which ones are busy. Created
code that can add an address to the TO (recipients) field
and also code that can eliminate it if we deselect that
boardroom, but the TO field is not where we need to add
the address, it is the Resource (Location) field. The
code we used to add a boardroom to the TO field is:

Item.Recipients.Add ("(e-mail address removed)")

How can we change that as a Resource Option, so we can
check the availability of the room? Thanks.

Michael K.
After adding and resolving the Recipient object, you can change the type to
olResource (3) to make it a resource.
Thanks for your reply Sue. This line of code:

Item.Recipients.Add ("(e-mail address removed)")

adds the address we want, but I don't understand how I
change it to Resource(3). I am assuming it is a line of
code after the "Add" code?

I read one of your responses to someone here and wanted to
let you know that I would be very interested to take your
online training of Outlook programming of forms. Could
you put this option on your SlipStick site when you are
ready to roll this out? I'll be one of the first ones to
sign up. :)


Michael K.
Set objRecip = Item.Recipients.Add("(e-mail address removed)")
objRecip.Type = olResource ' or 3 if this is VBScript code

We're months and months away from having any online training, alas. But my
book would probably serve you well.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
This works Sue, but only if you click on the SEND button
very quickly after selecting a boardroom (posts the
appointment to the calendar and not to the Inbox). If you
don't click quickly on the SEND button, the resource "name
address" goes away and then it is only sent to the Inbox
of that mailbox. Do you know why by any chance? Thanks.

I do have your book and also go onto the SlipStick site
lots. Your expertise is fantastic!

Michael K.