Hi Greg,
The way Kevin mentioned can help you add resource into the project's main
resource file. You can also add your own resx file into project and read
resource from them in code. Just like what you do in your first reply:
** add a new resx file into project
** add resource items into the resx file
** use ResourceManager to retrieve resource items from it.
The problem that you didn't get anything is due to the following reason:
For .NET C# project, VS project will use project name as its "default
namespace", therefore, if you add a certain resx file into the project,
suppose "StringResource.resx" and the project name is
"WindowsFormsApplication1", the full name of the resource file is
"WindowsFormsApplication1.StringResource" rather than "StringResource"
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ResourceManager rm = new
string str1 =rm.GetString("String1");
You can try it on your side to see whether it works.
Hope this helps.
Steven Cheng
Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead
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Subject: Re: Resources in C#
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 16:08:58 -0500
Thanks! Do I need to do this for each file/locale, or just for the base
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Spencer [mailto:
[email protected]]
Posted At: January 16, 2008 10:42 AM
Posted To: microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.windowsforms
Conversation: Resources in C#
Subject: Re: Resources in C#
Right-Click the Project and select Properties. Go to the Resources tab.
Add a file resource. Then you can access it in the app via
Kevin Spencer
Chicken Salad Surgeon
Microsoft MVP
Greg said:
Can someone help me using resources in C#/.NET 2005?
I've found numerous examples on the internet. They all seem to refer
to resources files ending in ".resource". why? When I add a new
resource file, the filetypes are ".resx". Or some others want me to use resgen..
I'd rather stay out of the command prompt, and I'm sure it must be
possible to do everything through the IDE.
I'd basically like to have "StringResource.resx" and
"StringResource.ca-FR.resx", and use these from within my code. Right
now, with these in my Properties folders, and using the following
code, it can't find the resource.
ResourceManager resource = new ResourceManager("StringResource",