We have a Windows 2003 file server with Mac file services
installed. We have some audio files that have no
extension in the file name. When we copy them up to the
server, then download them, they open up as text files.
It is as if the resource forks are damaged. I was
looking at the Macintosh file associations and thought
maybe doing something there would help. Does anybody
have any idea why the resource forks are damaged? I
thought Windows file servers were suppose to not touch
the resource forks.
Beth Albertson
The Evergreen State College
We have a Windows 2003 file server with Mac file services
installed. We have some audio files that have no
extension in the file name. When we copy them up to the
server, then download them, they open up as text files.
It is as if the resource forks are damaged. I was
looking at the Macintosh file associations and thought
maybe doing something there would help. Does anybody
have any idea why the resource forks are damaged? I
thought Windows file servers were suppose to not touch
the resource forks.
Beth Albertson
The Evergreen State College