Resolving single label domain name

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kiavik
  • Start date Start date



I have a forest with sevral domains and each domain has it's own FQDN
like pippo.local and it's own pre windows 2000 domain name. The problem
is that the 2 names are different, for example the domain named
users.pippo.local has a pre windows 2000 domain name of USR0001. Now,
how can I resolve the USR0001to users.pippo.local?

Is there any command like nslookup that can do it?

Kiavik said:

I have a forest with sevral domains and each domain has it's own FQDN
like pippo.local and it's own pre windows 2000 domain name. The
problem is that the 2 names are different, for example the domain
named users.pippo.local has a pre windows 2000 domain name of
USR0001. Now, how can I resolve the USR0001to users.pippo.local?

Is there any command like nslookup that can do it?

Do not confuse the Pre windows 2000 domain name with a single-label DNS
domain name. The Pre windows 2000 domain name is the NetBIOS domain name.

If you are using mutliple domains, across multiple subnets, and want NetBIOS
resolution for all domains at all subnets, you will need to use WINS.
Actually we have both situation: a singlle label domain name for the
root of the forest and a netbios domain name different from the FQDN
name just like this:

FQDN NetBios
root D0001
child1.root D0002

Now I want to resolve from command line D0002 to child1.root. How can I
do that?

Actually we have both situation: a singlle label domain name for the
root of the forest and a netbios domain name different from the FQDN
name just like this:

FQDN NetBios
root D0001
child1.root D0002

Now I want to resolve from command line D0002 to child1.root. How can I
do that?

Actually we have both situation: a singlle label domain name for the
root of the forest and a netbios domain name different from the FQDN
name just like this:

FQDN NetBios
root D0001
child1.root D0002

Now I want to resolve from command line D0002 to child1.root. How can
I do that?


Depending on the operating system you;re trying to resolve from, it may or
may not work with a single label name hostname query (non-NetBIOS). XP is
known to have issues resolving single label DNS domain names.

Keep in mind, a single label DNS name has no hierarchy. DNS relies on a
hierarchy, because the whole premise is a hierarchal tree. If such a single
named zone exists, DNS thinks it's a TLD, such as 'com', 'net', etc, and not
really a zone. This also causes excessive queries to the Roots, during a
registration attempt. ICAN did a study on the excessive traffic a few years
ago and it was discovered that all these excessive queries mostly originated
from Windows DNS servers with a single lable name zone configured due to an
Active Directory installation where an admin chose a single label name for
the DNS name. Microsoft therefore, to be good internet semaritans, stopped
registration with SP4 and the newer operating systems, then numerous folks
started posting and realized the extent of how many single names were out
there. If you have a single label name, I'm sure this is happening. I'm
surprised the DCs are registering properly, unless you followed 300864 to
force it to work.

It's actually suggested and recommended, if possible, to change the name to
the proper format. I know this can be a huge task, especially if you have
multiple domains and DCs, but it will be beneficial in the long run,
especially when it comes to XP and 2003.


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Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT, MVP
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WINS, ok...
How can I query a WINS server from command line? There is a nslookup
for WINS?
