


I create the images in photoshop in a template of 920 x 760 resolution 100
which fits powerpoint template perfectly. When I put this on a CD and run
through the viewer the images loos their resolution. If I import idividual
pictures in to the presentation (even thouh they are optimised) by inserting
them direct into powerpoint the resolution is much better, but if I construct
the whole page in photoshop it looses resolution viewed through the ppviewer
on CD.

Any help?


Echo S

If the screen you're showing the presentation on is 1024 x 768 (which is a
pretty common desktop monitor and projector size), that explains the
problem. Your image is only 920 x 760, so it's being stretched when you view
full screen. If you're viewing on, for example, 1280 x 1024, it will look
even worse.

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