Resolution with no monitor plugged in

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jason Krause
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Jason Krause


We have a default video resolution of 1024x768 that gets set automatically. This works no problem
as long as we have a monitor plugged into the device; however, if there is no monitor plugged in the
video resolution is reverted back to 640x480. I have a feeling that this have everything to do with
the video drivers and not XPE... is that right? Has anyone run into a similar problem?


the video resolution depends on the driver that ist actually running.
If you have devcon on your XPE, "devcon status =display" will show you
different drivers with your monitor plugged into the device and without

Okay, I have discovered a bit more information: There are three Devices listed in the Device
Manager under the "Monitors" section:

Plug and Play Monitor
Generic Television
Digital Flat Panel (640x480)

If I delete the "Digital Flat Panel (640x480)" device and reboot without a monitor, it goes back to
1024x768. That's great, but it appears to add itself back into the Device Manager and the next time
we reboot without a monitor it's back to the 640x480.

This is probably beyond the scope of these forums, but I'm posting just incase someone has had a
similar issue and/or to document the eventual solution for forum members.

I can not tell you how relieved I am to hear that someone else is
experiencing the same problem.

We are using the Commell LV-677 motherboard and with the latest BIOS
version 1.32 we experience the same issue.

Here is what I have discovered:

If you start the device without a VGA monitor connected it sets the
Monitor to the LVDS output.
Unfortunatly when you restart the device, the windows settings remain
on the LVDS settings and do not revert back to the VGA settings.

In normal windows the same happens except that it reverts back to the
normal VGA settings.

In the BIOS version 1.32 I guess the autodetect is disabled and so the
same problem does not occur.

If anyone finds a solution please post it and I will do the same.
Work with your board vendor (as I have) to either supply a custom BIOS
with no LVDS if using stock Intel XP graphics drivers or use the board
vendors support kit with correct XP embedded drivers that won't switch
output if nothing is connected.

Just tried it on LV677 and LV673 with no VGA connected, power up, leave
to boot OK plug in VGA and output is correctly displaying 1024x768.
Thank you for the reply Ian. That is what we have been doing and they
have now sent us a new revision to the motherboard (not a BIOS update)
that fixes the problem. It may be the case that the old motherboard
does not support the latest BIOS updates but we are still
investigatting this.
We did go with the hardware solution that I mentioned before, but I was able to find a registry key
that could have been a solution. I did a search in regedit for "Digital Flat Panel (640x480)" and
the first one that was found was:

After I deleted this key I was able to boot without a monitor and maintain my desired screen resolution.