Jeff Barnes
Browsing to download.nai.com fails due to our internal DNS servers not able
to resolve the hostname. Then if we run nslookup against our DNS servers
and query the hostname that way, it succeeds and subsequently DNS client
name resolution (and browsing) also works for a little while afterward.
Originally when we looked at this problem, download.nai.com resolved to an
AKAMAI address; but now it no longer does so.
Any suggestions?
Browsing to download.nai.com fails due to our internal DNS servers not able
to resolve the hostname. Then if we run nslookup against our DNS servers
and query the hostname that way, it succeeds and subsequently DNS client
name resolution (and browsing) also works for a little while afterward.
Originally when we looked at this problem, download.nai.com resolved to an
AKAMAI address; but now it no longer does so.
Any suggestions?