Resizing Windows e-mail messages


Linda M

I inadvertently resized my inbox messages, the right side of the window will
not allow the arrow access to pull it back in. The little boxes for
minimize, maximize and close are now hidden somewhere off the right of the
screen. How do I access this side of the message screen?


Linda M said:
I inadvertently resized my inbox messages, the right side of the window
not allow the arrow access to pull it back in. The little boxes for
minimize, maximize and close are now hidden somewhere off the right of the
screen. How do I access this side of the message screen?
Open a message and try to pull it over by grabbing the top blue border?

Right click on the new mail button that is in you bottom taskbar and select
move, you can move it with you mouse or the arrow keys, left click to
Remember to resize the window correctly and then close it.

Linda M.

Thank you, worked beautifully.

mac said:
Open a message and try to pull it over by grabbing the top blue border?

Right click on the new mail button that is in you bottom taskbar and select
move, you can move it with you mouse or the arrow keys, left click to
Remember to resize the window correctly and then close it.

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