If you want quality photos / images on your site this "IS" a bad idea.
FrontPage is not an Image Editor!
Do it right the first time and you won't have to go back and do it again.
John Malone
| Dear Magnetoram,
| FrontPage has a simple and very useful image editor built-in (ignore
| the comments from naysayers in this thread; they are mistaken). Here
| are instructions from FrontPage help:
| ------------------------------------------
| Resize a picture:
| Resizing a picture changes only the HTML tags (HTML tag: A text string
| used in HTML to identify a page element's type, format, and appearance.
| FrontPage automatically creates HTML tags to represent each element on
| a page.) that tell a Web browser how to display that picture. The
| graphics file itself is not changed, and neither is its size or its
| download time.
| --------------------------------------------
| Resize a picture manually
| In Page view, at the bottom of the document window, click Design .
| Click the picture, and then drag a sizing handle (sizing handle: One of
| the small circles or squares that appears at the corners and sides of a
| selected object. You drag these handles to change the size of the
| object.) to a new position. Note To preserve the picture's current
| proportions (its aspect ratio (aspect ratio: In computer displays and
| graphics, the ratio of the width of a picture or picture area to its
| height. For example, an aspect ratio of 2:1 indicates that the picture
| is twice as wide as it is high.)), drag a corner handle. If you drag a
| side handle, the picture will become distorted.
| ----------------------------------------------
| Resize a picture by specifying pixel or percent values
| In Page view, at the bottom of the document window, click Design .
| Right-click the picture, and then click Picture Properties on the
| shortcut menu. On the Appearance tab, under Size, select the Specify
| size check box. To specify whether or not to retain the current aspect
| ratio (aspect ratio: In computer displays and graphics, the ratio of
| the width of a picture or picture area to its height. For example, an
| aspect ratio of 2:1 indicates that the picture is twice as wide as it
| is high.), select or clear the Keep aspect ratio check box. In the
| Height and Width boxes, enter the pixel or percent values that you
| want. If you select the Keep aspect ratio check box and then enter a
| value for either Height or Width, FrontPage automatically changes the
| value in the other box to preserve the original proportions.
| NOTE: You can RESAMPLE the picture according to its new size, which can
| provide improved clarity while increasing or decreasing the size of the
| graphics file. To resample the picture, in the lower-right corner of
| the picture, click Picture Actions , and then click Resample Picture to
| Match Size.
| -------------------------------------------------
| Crop a graphic:
| By cropping a graphic, you can remove areas of the graphic that you
| don't want to use. In Page view, at the bottom of the document window,
| click Design . Click the graphic. On the Pictures toolbar, click Crop .
| If the Pictures toolbar is hidden, right-click the graphic, and then
| click Show Pictures Toolbar on the shortcut menu. Drag the handles of
| the cropping box to resize and include the part of the graphic that you
| want to keep. Click Crop again to remove the area outside of the
| cropping box.
| ------------------------------------------------
| Change the contrast or brightness of a graphic:
| In Page view, at the bottom of the document window, click Design .
| Click the graphic. If you want to change the contrast of a background
| graphic, you do not need to make a selection. On the Pictures toolbar,
| do one or both of the following: If the Pictures toolbar is hidden,
| right-click the graphic, and then click Show Pictures Toolbar on the
| shortcut menu. To change the color contrast of a graphic, click More
| Contrast or Less Contrast . To change the brightness of a graphic,
| click More Brightness or Less Brightness .
| ------------------------------------------------
| The only addition I can make to these instructions come when you go to
| save the page: FrontPage wants to OVERWRITE the original picture. This
| is probably not what you want to do, as your original picture will be
| forever altered. Instead, use the 'Rename' button and change the name
| from, say, 'pic01.jpg' to 'pic01a.jpg' - a more complete tutorial can
| be found at
| Good luck, Magnetoram.
| Nicholas Savalas -